Sunday, October 5, 2014

Collecting Myself

This weekend I had the immense privilege of watching and listening to the words and guidance of prophets, apostles and leaders of the LDS church as they addressed the world, as they do every six months from. Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Plug: if you missed out go here: This gave me a lot of time to reflect on many teachings that I have heard over the last few weeks, and brought to mind some new goals that I want to try to implement in my everyday life. 

This week is an exciting one, for those who don't know, I am currently waiting for my mission call...and it is supposed to arrive this Wednesday (we'll see)! I am equal parts nervous and crazy excited. 

Another aspect of my life that seems to have been magnified the last few weeks is the number of close friends I have who are currently serving missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you know me well (or at least follow me on Instagram) you likely know that one of my best friends (Elder Cade Kelley) has been out on his mission for almost 12 weeks now, but now that I have finally  settled into my apartment for the Semester I only recently I started getting real, snail-mail letters from him. Turns out that actually makes me miss him a whole lot more than that couple of weeks where I was so busy I forgot to email him. (This is going somewhere, I promise).

Refocusing: The last letter I got, combined with the BYU Devotional given this past week by Dan Clark ( made me think about the bigger picture of my life and purpose here on Earth. 

What I got from Devotional was basically that one moment can change everything, and there are no "ordinary" moments. We can do something good and make a change in any, and every, moment that we have. 

I don't want to waste my time waiting for things to happen in the future. I know that it will be at least 21 months until I see a great number of my friends again, I know that it will be at least 3 days until I have my mission call, I know it will take me a while to figure out what I want to do with my life and even longer to achieve whatever it is that that may be. Everything in life takes time, but I am going to try to make the most of EVERY moment. 

There is so much good to be done in this world and so many opportunities each and every day to be doing it. Why waste time waiting? The time is going to pass one way or the other, so I might as well do something with it. 

Here's to making every moment count and doing good one moment at a time. 

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