Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Brief Discussion on the Necessity of Sleep

I think it is common knowledge that humans need sleep to survive. 
However, I think that someone forgot to inform college students about this fundamental need. 

Or else we just don't care. 

Either way, I'm pretty positive that the amount of sleep I am currently getting is perhaps a little less than the amount that I should be getting. The fact that I have to mentally peptalk myself into getting up in the morning, and then routinely fall asleep during both important and interesting lectures (not to mention the dull and unimportant ones). 

I admit that the lack of sleep that I am getting is partially my fault, but I also would like to point out that it is not ENTIRELY my fault. I blame having friends. 

Because I don't get off work until midnight (for the next two days at least, after that I will be working a shift that ends at 9 *brief rejoicing*) I try ... TRY... to get all my homework and projects and readings and blogging and pinteresting and eating (especially eating) done before I leave... inevitably this fails and I have just one more reading quiz, or homework assignment, or email to send, or minute to spend on social media...and inevitably I end up abandoning whatever it is that I still have to do in favor of a midnight snack and post-midnight chat with Michaela and Tanisha. I've pretty much gone to sleep at 2 am every night for the past week. 

According to research, I, as an 18-year-old student, need between 6 and a half to 9 hours of sleep every night. I am living proof that 6 hours is not in fact enough sleep to keep from utter mental exhaustion..and also sleeping until 3 both Saturday and Sunday does not make up for lack of sleep during the week on any level. ANY level. 

Anyway, I am not complaining, because I certainly do love our late night talks and bonding over crazy things that happen. :) I just think it should be noted that there are NOT enough hours in the day. Also taking 18 credits and working 20 hours a week may not be a life plan that reallly allows for much sleep. So I suppose that such is the life I have chosen to live. 

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