Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Round Two

Here I go, semester #2 of college!
A lot has changed for me this semester... New classes, new roommates, new friends, new job,new goals.. etc. 

It's been kind of a whirlwind first couple of weeks. Lots of crazy exciting things have happened, lots of adventures, but also lots of stress and not a lot of sleep. I guess that's college though. 

I got accepted to the Summer 2014 London Study Abroad Program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I will be gone for 7(ish) weeks and as soon as I get back it will be right into Fall Semester. Ah!

Getting the final decision on that pretty much cemented my Spring/Summer plans in regards to work/school/vacation, and so that was both good and bad. GOOD because now I can start to prepare accordingly, find a new apartment, look for another job or two before London, plan and trips wherever need be (April is kind of a big month: I am getting a new sibling and a new cousin-in-law in the same week....). BAD because now I have to prepare for all those things. C'est la vie. 

The semester is already almost a quarter of the way over.. I have two midterms (already??) coming up this week, and I just had a test in German yesterday (do not ask how it went). In an attempt to keep my academic life in check I have managed to neglect a few parts of my personal life (please note emphasis on personal life and not on social life). Showering, for example, has been determined to not be a daily necessity, I figure three or four times a week should suffice, right? Also laundry. I mean I am actually pretty good about making sure that I have clean clothes, and am fairly good at making sure that my dirty laundry doesn't spread all over everywhere.. but the whole folding and putting away part? Ehhh.. maybe not so much. I haven't managed to find time to put the sheets back on my bed in about a week, and I ended up dumping all my clean laundry on top of my unmade bed yesterday, and then I had to go to work.. so uh it is possible that due to a combination of sleep deprivation and lack of motivation I just curled up and slept on the couch last night. No complaints. 

Work actually is kind of terrible. Not the actual work, that's fine. Also I really really like my coworkers, they are pretty much awesome. But for anyone who thinks that having a shift that ends a midnight will help you get your homework done before work, THINK AGAIN! Instead I have now moved my official bedtime to somewhere between one and two in the morning, because realistically, there's just no way around the fact that I will never, despite and attempts to convince myself otherwise, go to sleep as soon as I get home from work. Trust me. If it isn't homework that needs my desperate attention, it's roommate chats until 5 am or walking in to the apartment only to find my roommate doubled over in pain and unable to hear out of her right ear (yeah that was an adventure hopefully not soon to be repeated). 

That just about sums up the first month of this semester. Despite earlier claims otherwise I don't actually have much of a social life. I mean I know that there are people in the world somewhere, but I haven't really gotten around to locating them just yet. (Please note that this is also an exaggeration, I do indeed have friends.. I am not a complete social outcast.. yet.) However, maybe waking up before 2 in the afternoon on weekends would help me actually be able to both have adventures with friends and maybe even (gasp) get ahead on homework (jokes). I also someday hope to progress towards eating 3 meals a day, instead of the current options of 2 meals a day, 1 meal and a large snack, 6 muffins and several bowls of cereal, or 5+ meals a day. #collegelife 

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