Sunday, June 15, 2014

What I Believe

There are a lot of things going around the internet right now that are critical of various aspects of the LDS Church. Part of me (a very loud part of me) really wants to address some of these claims and respond to the things I have read. However, I realize that this will probably not help anything. Instead I would like to share what I believe and what I know about Jesus Christ and His Gospel on the Earth. And also the fact that I have come to believe and know these things on my own. 

I know that we have a Heavenly Father who is watching out for us and guiding us. He has a plan for each and every single one of us and that individual plan is the one that will bring us the most happiness and joy in our lives. The closer we stick to His plan for us, the better we will be. However, we are all human and we all make mistakes, so Heavenly Father created for us an Atonement, fulfilled by Jesus Christ, through which we can be forgiven of our sins. Through repentance we can be redeemed of our sins and return even if we stray from the path God has laid out for us. 

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is so very real. I have experienced it in my own life in many powerful ways and cannot deny its truthfulness. Without the Atonement we would have no hope for salvation, however because Christ was willing to suffer for our sins, and make the ultimate sacrifice we can repent. Not only does the Atonement provide us a means of repentance, but also of comfort, for we can know that Jesus Christ knows what each of us is going through and knows how to help us overcome all of our trials and tribulations in these days. 

The power of the Holy Ghost is real. His presence can be felt by anyone, but as a baptized member of the Church I have the capacity and the opportunity to have the Spirit's guidance with me at all times and in all places, so long as I remain worthy and allow the Spirit to be a part of my life. 

The power of Heaven truly can be worked on Earth through Priesthood authority. The worthy priesthood holders in my life have blessed me countless times and helped me through important and difficult struggles. This past year, one of the most helpful things for me as I struggled through many difficult trials, was having friends who were worthy Priesthood holders, who were willing and able to give me blessings of comfort to help guide me as I made my way through a difficult time. The Priesthood authority of my Bishop and Stake President also helped me as I counseled with them and felt of their deep and profound love for me. 

I sustain the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ. Thomas S. Monson, the propher, seer and revelator, the First Presidency, Quorom of the Twelve Apostles, Presiding Bishopric, Quoroms of the Seventy, General authorities over all other branches of the church, as well as area and local leaders of my individual stakes and wards. They are ALL called of God to do his sacred work here on earth.

I know that the blessing of the temple can be matched by nothing. The ordinances that are performed there are vital to our eternal salvation and it is only through these ordinances that we can return again to our Father in Heaven.

I know that the Plan of Salvation is a reality. I have had many close family members pass through the veil and end their mortal journeys on this earth, however I can still feel their presence as I continue my own. I feel these presences very strongly in the temple, however as I live worthily day by day, I can feel them guiding me when I need them most. I can especially feel the influence of my mother who passed away when I was four years old, and know that she has been a very real and very important part of my life as I have grown up. 

I know that families are ordained of God. Fathers and Mothers are charged with the responsibility to raise their children in righteousness, and that duty is the most sacred of all. It was in my own home that I came to know and love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the blessings that have come because I had a righteous family cannot be described. Each member of a family has their own divine roles to play, and those cannot be replaced by anything of the world. Families are critical in the eternal Plan of Salvation.

I also know that Satan knows that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true Church. I know that he knows that if we live righteously we will inherit the Kingdom of God, something he can never attain. I know that he knows the Church is true because he fights at every turn to tear it apart. He continues to devise new methods of attacking the Church and tries to discredit it using any means he can. However, the only power that Satan has is the power that we give him over ourselves. If we refuse to allow him any influence over us we can know the truth of the Gospel and know that Satan is merely trying to take away our happiness so that we are miserable as he is. 

Of course, this is not a comprehensive list of all the gospel teachings, however I can say with real intent that I know that EVERY aspect of the Gospel is true. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church on the earth and He is the head. I know it is true and I know that the teachings therein are true and pure doctrine. I know it. And there is nothing I would not do for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

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