Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Friends. Romans. Countrymen! (Day 7)

I would say that today was probably the first really relaxing, chill day I have had so far on this adventure abroad. As part of the program, we all have a week where we get to help in the kitchen, and today was the first day of my shift. It isn't bad at all, it just takes time and so it was a little adjustment to have to plan around that. Fortunately, the day was started off so perfectly with real Belgian waffles. Uh, they were SO good... I don't even  know how to describe how delicious they were. Just know that you are missing out if you have never had them.

The next large portion of my day was devoteed to class time, and then to writing post cards and just talking to friends while we were in the Servery. It is definitely nice sometimes to have a break from being on the go. it is really hard to believe that I haven't even been here for a whole week yet! For dinner we had Shrimp Stroganoff (why have I never thought of that before?! So amazing) and I got to sit with my professor's family and talk to them the whole time. It is a really interesting dynamic living in the same building as my professors and eating dinner with them and getting to know their families. I like it, because it really does make their classes more meaningful and is a wonderful opportunity! Just another benefit of studying abroad. 

Tonight we did one of my absolute favorite things so far (I feel like I say that about everything, but this really is high up on the list). We walked across the Millenium Footbridge to the reconstructed Globe Theatre to see Julius Caesar. And we had the whole Shakespearian experience!!

We got to have groundling tickets, which means we stood down right in front of the stage the whole time. It might sound like 3 hours standing watching Shakespeare would be torture, but it was the best and (I have decided) the ONLY way to properly enjoy and fully appreciate it. The acting was great, the play is one of my favorites, and because we were right in the path to the stage we got pushed aside by some actors on multiple occasions (plus someone died right next to us during the battle scene). It was seriously the coolest experience, and my explanation does not do it justice. Really everyone just needs to experience it for themselves! 

(this is right outside the globe across the river. That would be St. Paul's you see)

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