Sunday, July 13, 2014

The World Cup Final (Day 18)

It wasn't really that hard to fall asleep last night, and I slept incredibly well after having been traveling all week. And as a result I actually woke up BEFORE my alarm, not a thing that normally happens. Then it was just another fantastic Sunday. It was my first week teaching my adorable Sunbeam on my own and it went so great (except it didn't take as long as I thought so we ended up singing a lot of songs and playing a lots of games). Time really does go a lot faster in Primary. And you can feel the Spirit so purely in the little children.

During Sacrament, there was a high councillor who spoke and he told us that Wandsworth Common ward (which I am in) is number one in their prayers. So that is really cool, and also really humbing because that just shows again how much this ward needs help. And I really love and appreciate the opportunity to serve them. It is so incredible. 

After church I was planning on getting caught up on some stuff, but I ended up faling asleep until dinner. So whoops. We had the most delicious dinner tonight: Shepherd's Pie, and then Strawberry Cheesecake Haagen-Daas for dessert. After dinner I (again) was really truly planning on being productive, but those darn Benfells and Kim are just so dang interesting to talk to and it is so much fun to be able to learn from them and hear all about their lives. Seriously, this is one of the best experiences ever. 

To top it all off, today was the World Cup Final and newsflash (in case for some strange reason you failed to hear about this) GERMANY WON 1-0 IN EXTRA TIME. Perfect ending to the day :) 

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