Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We Saw Some Famous Rocks (Day 6)

Well, today was the first of many day trips with the group! We started out with a long coach (bus) ride out to the site of Stonehenge! (Probably the most famous rocks...well of all time) But really, it was seriously awesome! The whole thing is really mysterious and a little eerie, but so much fun to actually experience in person.

To add to the eeriness of the whole place, just as we were getting ready to head out, I happened to glance over and thought I recognized someone right next to us...and I was right! One of my friends from Elementary School in Bozeman, Montana! Bailey Derby and I probably haven't seen each other since the beginning of High School, but we ran into each other at Stonehenge in England. What a small, small world it is.

So after that experience, we headed to the other half of our adventure for the day: Bath, England...probably one of the cutest towns I have been to! We visited the Roman Baths, which are super old..because they are from the Romans and all...but they have some really neat history in them. I also made a wish in the East Bath (sorry, can't tell ;) ) After that we had some free time to just walk around the city on our own. We actually ran into a pair of sister missionaries, one from Park City, Utah and one from Armenia so that was really cool to stop and talk to them for a few minutes! In our adventures around town, we saw some really cool architecture at "The Circus" and the "Royal Crescent".. I love that it is a part of our classwork to do stuff like this! We walked through some beautiful gardens, and also across the bridge where the scene of Javert's suicide in the 2012 Les Miserables movie was filmed. So that was pretty fantastic. 

I would probably say I like Bath just as much as I love London, but for different reasons. Bath is much more like a summer holiday town. Really it looks like it came out of a postcard, and the atmosphere is just really happy and almost festive, and that's just on a Tuesday afternoon! There were a lot of things that we could have seen, and I wish I could do everything in every town we visit, but I am really happy with our trip and I wouldn't have done it any differently a second time. What a perfect first day trip.

Besides our amazing trip, the only notable event was that we watched the USA lose to Belgium and officially be done in the 2014 World Cup. Ah well. It was bound to happen eventually, even if we can hope. At least I still have Germany to cheer for! 

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